Mastering Project Finance Theory & Modelling

Developed jointly by CCC Training and Mazars, this 5-day course provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of Project Finance analysis and essential modelling techniques.

Upcoming Course

Sep 23

Mastering Project Finance Theory & Modelling

Delivered in-person from 9:00am to 5:00pm in Central London
Monday September 23rd to Friday September 27th

This course is for anyone involved in infrastructure and project finance who wants to deepen their understanding of project finance structures, risk analysis, and financial modelling. It has been specifically designed to equip participants with a deep understanding of how project finance is applied in real-world scenarios.

Over five days, attendees delve into the project finance fundamentals, qualitative and quantitative risk analysis, environmental and social governance (ESG) considerations, financial modelling techniques, and the intricacies of project finance documentation.

The structured curriculum that blends theoretical knowledge and practical modelling skills is delivered by the unique combination of CCC Training and Mazars.  This enables each module to be delivered separately by current industry practitioners and modellers that are specialists in their field.

The course will introduce participants to:

  • The Project Finance Process: The key steps to implementing a robust financing
  • Risk Analysis: The identification, quantification and mitigation the key project risks
  • ESG: Best practice for mitigating environmental, social and governance risks
  • Contractual Structures: Key features of the essential commercial and finance agreements
  • Financial Modelling: Advanced financial modelling techniques for project evaluation

The course is delivered in-person over five consecutive days by Ian Cogswell, Audrey Caulliez-Louis and Calvin Walker, along with the financial modelling experts of Mazars. This  ensures tuition is provided by specialists focusing on their core area of expertise.